Top Three Attractions to Visit in Cuba

by | Aug 26, 2016 | Travel and Tourism

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Cuba, until recently, was an off-limits destination to most travelers. Now that this has changed, people from all over the world are flocking to the country to admire its natural beauty and numerous tourist attractions. If Cuba is on your list of places to visit, too, you may be wondering where to start in planning your trip. Contacting a travel agency in Longwood is a great idea, and you can also start establishing a tentative itinerary by researching the country.

Discover Amazing Food

Cuban cuisine is notable for its unique blend of African, Spanish and Caribbean influences. The result is a delicious and captivating world of food that is reason enough in and of itself to visit the country. Ropa veija, picadillo and frijoles negros are popular samplings among visitors. Great Escapes Travel can connect you with travel agents who specialize in Cuba and all its wonders. Partnering with a luxury tours agency is the best way to ensure you get to see all of the attractions and places you want to visit while you are on vacation in Cuba.

Take in Stunning Architecture

If you count yourself as a design junkie, there’s no question as to whether or not you will be visiting Cuba’s most noted architectural sites. Even those who have no great interest in architecture, however, will be stunned at the gorgeous design and incredible beauty of Cuba’s buildings. Old Havana, Morro Castle and Castillo de la Real Fuerza are all testaments to the historic charm that lives on throughout the area. Spanish inspiration and bursts of color make nearly every block unforgettable.

Enjoy the Ocean Life

If you thought food and beautiful architecture might be enough to lure you in, you’ll be thrilled to know there’s yet more to see. Perhaps the greatest natural feature in the country is Cuba’s incredible coastline. Crystal blue waters and pristine san welcome visitors to take in the sights and soak up the sun. In some parts, you can even go snorkeling and enjoy encounters with sea life such as dolphins. Varadero, Cayo Largo del Sur and Caya Coco are just a few of the most popular beach destinations for locals and tourists alike. If you’re planning a trip around beaches, partner with a travel agency in Longwood to find the best deals and opportunities.

Vising Cuba can be the vacation of a lifetime. With amazing food, architecture and beaches, it won’t be long before you want to come back and do it all over again. In the meantime, let us plan your trip and make it amazing for you.

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