What You Should Know When Selecting an Event Venue

by | Oct 7, 2014 | General

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If you are tasked with finding function rooms for your company events, surely you know that it isn’t as simple as some may think. You have to consider the company budget, the amount of invited guests, location and other factors. It sometimes becomes a challenge when you are expected to outdo yourself, in terms of selecting a venue for an event. Now, the pressure is on for you to deliver. There is no need to panic. You can do this. With a few suggestions, you’re next event is sure to be as spectacular as your last.

Location Selection

This is one of the single most important things to consider. The only reason you would ever have for not being too concerned with the location is when you are providing the transportation for the guests. If you are not, you should make sure that the venue you select is easy to locate. No one wants to be riding around trying to find the event venue. This might affect their mood once they arrive. So, do yourself a favour and choose a location that is convenient for attendees to locate. You may also want to select a location with various function rooms, so that you have options. There may be a room that is more impressive than another because of where it is located. It may be a better option for you. Also, consider the parking situation at any venue you are considering. There should always be adequate parking provided for the amount of people invited. Valet parking would be best, but if it isn’t in the budget, opt for a venue with a parking area that has sufficient lighting.

Consider the Budget

Often times when you are selecting a venue, you will have a specific budget. Make sure you clearly understand what you need to provide with the amount you have been allotted. When choosing your venue, you will need to ask for quotes from several places. Check for any hidden fees. Ask about the use of any necessary AV equipment. If they offer it, what is the cost to you? If they do not, you’ll have to figure out how much it will cost to rent the equipment and pay an engineer to operate the equipment. Finding a venue that can offer you everything you’ll need for your event is likely your best option.

When you need to secure function rooms, which offer you everything in one setting, consider your options at The Prince Alfred Hotel.

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